Customer Submitted Photos

Titanium GMT Watch in Action

Alternatives To A Paracord Wrap For Breacher Bars... by R. Frommer
Why didn’t I wrap with paracord? I wasn’t interested in the “look.” I don’t intend to use a paracord handle as “emergency cordage.” The way I think of it, if I am smart enough to take my prybar, I am...

Home Run with County Comm’s Tiny Striker by R. Frommer
Home Run with County Comm’s Tiny Striker The first wrap with silicone self-fusing tape may be good enough to satisfy some. Even a little bit of tape makes for a more confident grip. But there’s no need to stop there....

EOD Robotics RAFT Kit By Maratac™
EOD Robotics RAFT Kit By Maratac™   Enjoy a special behind the scenes look at the  Bomb Robot F6A & Remotec Mini Proudly made in San Jose, CA.